Honors & Awards
Excellence scholarship for first year - graduate studies
Issued by Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept. of Political Science.
Based on excellence in undergraduate studies.
Bachelor’s degree - Magna cum laude
Issued by Yezreel Valley Academic College (YVC), dept. of Political Science & dept. of Sociology and Anthropology.
Based on a GPA.
Excellence scholarship for third year - undergraduate studies
Issued by Dean’s Office, YVC.
Based on the completion of the honors program’s research thesis.
B.a .Honors Program
Issued by President’s Office & Dean’s Office, YVC.
Based on the participation in the college's honors elite program for undergraduate studies. Cross-departmental program.
Graduate Studies
Holds a master's degree in Political Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Faculty of Social Sciences (research program), with a focus on Comparative Research, Strategy Analysis, Decision Making, Structural and Conceptual Analysis, as well as Qualitative and Quantitative Models for Behavioral Analysis, and Content and Meta-Analysis.
Holds a double major bachelor's degree in Sociology & Anthropology and Political Science, with a focus on Political Communication, International Relations, Strategy, and Social, Identity & Personality Analysis, from the Yezreel Valley Academic College. Also graduated with B.A. Honors, magna cum laude.